Student Essentials Plan

Ensure Your Child is Fully Prepared for College

18 Year-Olds are adults in the eyes of the law – and hospitals!

You’ve tried to prepare them in every way you can for college. But are they prepared for a medical emergency? It’s hard to believe, but privacy laws can prevent doctors from discussing your child’s condition with you in a medical emergency. You can keep your child safe with our Student Essentials Plan



Their Plan Includes:

Health Care Power of Attorney

As a legal adult at 18, your child needs to designate you (or someone) to make decisions about their care if they are unable to. This is called a Health Care Power of Attorney.

HIPAA Release

Having your child sign a HIPAA Release guarantees that their doctor will be able to discuss your child’s situation with you during a medical emergency. Without it, once your child turns 18, the HIPAA law can prevent you from getting their medical information and talking to doctors—even in an emergency. This has actually happened to parents with children away at college.

Durable Power of Attorney

A Durable Power of Attorney authorizes you to sign documents on your child’s behalf, such as a lease for an apartment. It also lets you pay their bills, manage bank accounts and apply for government benefits if they cannot.

Living Will

A living will, also called an advance directive, is a document that lets people state their wishes for end-of-life medical care, in case they become unable to communicate their decisions.

“Here’s one more thing you should do before the big separation: Ask this young adult to sign a durable power of attorney and health care proxy.” 

Deborah Jacobs,

“Moms and dads who still think of themselves as protectors and advisers, even after their children become legal adults, often don’t consider the real-world implications of that milestone birthday.